
Welcome to the Astro-Shamanauts.

Once you have saved your own planet you will be considered an official Shamanaut. Now you are ready to join the Astro-Shamanauts and start helping to save planets all over the universe.

  • you can JOIN the Astro-Shamanauts,
  • check out the FREE stuff section,
  • check out the BUY stuff section,
  • watch some of our VIDEOS,
  • or  chat with other Astro-Shamanauts using our social-networking sites.

Youtube, Vimeo, TikTok, Vine, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, mySpace, Pinterest, Photobucket, Mix, Tumblr, Reddit, DeviantArt & Google+

You can help support us, and all the Earthovision endeavors, by using the links below to get to Amazon before you make your next purchase. Just click our personal link to Amazon, make your purchase and we will get a small commission of the sale. It’s a great way to help us financially and you get something you were already going to buy. Thank you for helping to support “Positive TV for a Positive World.”

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Here’s a great deal on a 4k video camera.

Check out these 10TB hardrives! We’re using two of them.

We use Poser in many of our videos. Buy Poser through this link and we’ll get a small commission. It’s a great way to help support us as well as start making movies just like us. We need more positive videos for a positive world.

Become a patron and donate to help us upgrade this old video equipment and computers. We are Viewer-Supported and are funded directly by YOU, the appreciative viewer. Whatever you can kick in shows us that you care.
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(Bringing water and new life to dying planets)